How to fix a 404 error? Instant Guideline

404 Error

How to fix a 404 error? Instant Guideline

When you receive a 404 error, it means that the page you are trying to access cannot be found. There are a few different reasons why this might happen, but most commonly it is because the page has been moved or deleted.

If you receive a 404 error when trying to access a website, first check to make sure that you are using the correct URL.

If the URL is correct, then the next step is to check with the website owner to see if they can help you locate the page. If all else fails, you can always try searching for the page on a search engine like Google.

fix a 404 error
Image by One Month

What are some common causes of 404 errors?

One common cause of a 404 error is when a website’s domain has expired. If you try to access a website and see a 404 error, check if the website you’re trying to visit is available.

Another common cause of a 404 error is that the page you’re looking for has been moved or deleted. If you see this error, try searching for the page you’re looking for using the search bar on the website.

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, the best course of action is to contact the website’s customer support team. They’ll be able to help you troubleshoot the issue and figure out what’s causing the 404 error.

How to fix 404 error on my website?

As a webmaster, you can fix 404 errors on your website by using a 301 redirect.

When you encounter a 404 error on your website, it can be frustrating for both you and your visitors. There are a few things you can do to reduce the number of 404 errors you experience. One is to use a 301 redirect.

A 301 redirect is a way to tell the web browser that a page has moved permanently. When the browser encounters a 301 redirect, it will automatically go to the new location of the page. This can be helpful if you have pages that move around frequently.

Another way to fix a 404 error is to ensure your internal linking is correct. This means that when you update your website, you check all of your links to make sure they are pointing to the correct pages. You can also use a tool like Google Webmaster Tools to help you find and fix errors on your website.

301 redirect syntax in .htaccess

The syntax for a 301 redirect in a .htaccess file is:

Redirect 301 /oldpage.html

You can also use absolute paths in the Redirect directive, like this:

Redirect301 /oldpage.html

If you need to specify a port number as part of the absolute path, you can do that like this:

Redirect301 /oldpage.html

301 redirect use a WordPress plugin

If you’re using WordPress and want to set up a 301 redirect, one option is to use a plugin. There are many different plugins available, but one that’s popular and easy to use is the Redirection plugin. With this plugin, you can easily set up 301 redirects from your WordPress dashboard.

How to fix 404 error by redirection plugin
Image by Wpism

First, install and activate the plugin. Then, go to Tools > Redirection in your WordPress dashboard. You’ll see a section where you can add a new redirect. Enter the URL of the page you want to redirect in the Source URL field, and then enter the destination URL in the Target URL field. Finally, select which type of redirect you want to use from the drop-down menu and click Add Redirect.

That’s all there is to it! Once you’ve added your redirects, they will start working immediately.

How can I prevent 404 errors from happening on my website?

If you’re seeing 404 errors on your website, it means that the page you’re trying to reach can’t be found. There are a few things you can do to prevent these errors from happening:

1. Check your website’s URL regularly to make sure all the links are still working. If you find a broken link, update it or remove it from your website.

2. Use a 301 redirect when you change the URL of a page on your website. This will tell visitors and search engines where to find the new page.


404 Error
Image by Matob

A 404 error is one of the most frustrating things that can happen when you’re trying to browse the web. But don’t despair! There are a few things you can do to try and fix a 404 error.

First, check the URL of the page you’re trying to visit. If it’s spelled incorrectly, or if there are any extra characters, that could be causing the 404 error.

Second, try reloading the page. Sometimes a simple refresh is all it takes to get rid of a 404 error.

And finally, if all else fails, contact the website’s administrator and let them know about the problem. They should be able to help you to fix it.

According to SEJ (Search Engine Journal), a 404 error will not impact your SEO ranking, so don’t worry too much about it.

“…404 errors won’t impact your site’s search performance, and you can safely ignore them if you’re certain that the URLs should not exist on your site.”

SEJ (Search Engine Journal)

That’s easy to fix a 404 error, just follow these tips, and you can recover it. I hope this helps you out there, if you like it, please share it with others, and please leave me a comment.

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